[ANN] ReScript 9.0.0 is available for testing

I think there is quite a trivial workaround that will not break default configs of popular tooling with almost zero drawback (maybe a larger package). I think this is just an oversight so a fix is not hard. Good that you found a possible config in react native to deal with this @jacobp100, from my quick research it looked like this was not configurable yet. I think the we shouldn’t need extra config though bc this would add more unnecessary friction to use ReScript IMO.


I can see the practicality in nodejs but this breaks down a lot of other tooling (for now). Raised this concern earlier https://github.com/rescript-lang/rescript-compiler/pull/4116#issuecomment-588573677.

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Yep this would be the least breaking solution. And the new “mjs” mode can become the default at some point (it’s more consistent with the official standard, but you never know if/when the tooling adapts to this).


+1 for making mjs/cjs optional. lots of ecosystem/toolings do not support this out of the box.