[ANN] ReScript 9.1.1 call for testing (second beta release)

fixed here https://github.com/rescript-lang/rescript-compiler/pull/5089/commits/2830129c30d483d9624b1592ff62822cb12af3a5
will do a cherry pick, thanks for testing

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I tried to upgrade my UI code (sorry it is not open source) to the rescript package, and it gave me errors everywhere about use of template literals.

It is super weird, because my other project https://github.com/wildcards-world/ui upgraded without an issue.

Here is an example error that I’m getting:

  Syntax error!

  322 ┆ <UserColumnTextCenter>
  323 ┆   <UserColumnText
  324 ┆     head=`πŸ’° Staked value` body={`$${totalValue.contents->FormatMone
      ┆ y.formatEther}`}
  325 ┆   />
  326 ┆ </UserColumnTextCenter>

  Not sure what to do with this character.


  Syntax error!

  238 ┆       <span className=`text-xs`> {Js.String.concat(value, `~$`)->React
      ┆ .string} </span>
  239 ┆     </div>
  240 ┆     <div className=`w-1/3 self-center`> {children} </div>
  241 ┆   </div>
  242 ┆ }

  Did you forget a `,` here?

I’ve spent a long time trying to pin-point the issue. It isn’t a big problem for me (I can stay on bs-platform 9.0.1 without stress), I’m more posting in-case others have the same issue.

I seem to have found the issue. I use the $ symbol often in my code (it is a finance app), and that causes issues with template literals.

Converting $ to \$ does the trick.

Can you post the original code you were trying to convert? I’ll take a deeper look and fix the problem.

Hi Maxim. I’ve narrowed it down. The error happens when a string literal ends with a $

let thisIsFine = `$something`
let thisIsAlsoFine = `fine\$`
let isThisFine = `notFine$`

(In playground: https://rescript-lang.org/try?code=DYUwLgBGAWCWDOBJeAxWA7EEC8EAGAJPAPYC24c6A5ngFCiQwLICCwJamO+AZhiAB0CdBhAQAVOKn7c86YmE4hhQA)

This code worked in bs-platform@9.0.1

Ok, digging deeper into the issue:

Bellow code shows dollarAmountInt as an unused variable (warning 27):

  let make = (~dollarAmountInt) => {


In fact, more than that, the following code compiles (only with the same warning as above):

let make = (~dollarAmountInt) => {


The way to make the above work as expected is to escape the $ with a \ in front:

let make = (~dollarAmountInt) => {


(Once again, this seems to be a regression from bs-platform@9.0.1 - none of those issues exist if switching to that version in the playground)

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Thanks for the report, investigating.

@JasoonS thanks for catching this! Sorry for the trouble :sweat_smile: Submitted a fix here: https://github.com/rescript-lang/syntax/pull/394. Will see if we can get this released.


Hi all, thanks for all people who help testing. We are very close to a final release.

Note there is an issue observed when both the old bs-platform and rescript installed: we kept the old CLI bsb to avoid disruptive changes, but there is a consequence due to that npm do the npm link, so it is possible that the old bsb would shadow the new bsb, it may cause some unexpected behaviors.

Since the build command just run once on the toplevel package, so we are considering removing bsb in the new release, so for new packages people would just type rescript. Would it bring some unexpected behavior?


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Amazing, thank you @Hongbo

Since it is completely new package that users would have had to manually decide to install I think it is fair that it is expected that they manually have to go through their scripts and replace their usage of bsc.

Rather make them do that IMO than the chance that people get stuck and confused at weird behavior because they forgot to remove bs-platform. But just my opinion.

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