Rescript advance types - escaping scope

For some time I’m trying to build an abstraction that would enforce component architecture. I want to mimic a bit of Elm architecture (just a little bit) but I feel like I hit a wall with OCaml/Rescript type system.
Attempt 1
I wrote some abstractions:

module type Sandbox = {
  type model
  type msg
  type props
  let initialModel: model
  let update: (model, msg) => model
  let view: (msg => unit, model, props) => React.element

let useSandbox = (sandbox: module(Sandbox))  => {
  let module(Sandbox) = sandbox
  let (model, dispatch) = React.useReducer(Sandbox.update, Sandbox.initialModel)
  Sandbox.view(dispatch, model)

It ended up with Sandbox.props constructor trying to escape its scope.
I learned what it means by some OCaml examples but it is a bit unfortunate because it mismatches with what I wanted to do in the first place… and I just wanted to make clear, what kind of argument I expect from the function returned by Sanbox.view.
Attempt 2
So I tried this:

module type Sandbox = {
  type model
  type msg
  let initialModel: model
  let update: (model, msg) => model
  let view: (msg => unit, model, 'props) => React.element

let useSandbox = (sandbox: module(Sandbox))  => {
  let module(Sandbox) = sandbox
  let (model, dispatch) = React.useReducer(Sandbox.update, Sandbox.initialModel)
  Sandbox.view(dispatch, model)

I just remove the props type constructor and tried generic type… Unfortunately, it works as far as I won’t try to use props.
With view defined this way:

let view = (dispatch, model, props) => {
    <h1> {text("Actual " ++ props.prefix ++ string_of_int(model.value))} </h1>
    {button(_ => dispatch(Add), "Add")}
    <button onClick={_ => dispatch(Remove)}> {text("Remove")} </button>
    <button onClick={_ => props.switchPrefix()}> {text("Switch Prefix")} </button>

I’m getting this error:

Values do not match:
let view: (msg => unit, model, props) => React.element
is not included in
let view: (msg => unit, model, 'props) => React.element

Okay… I’m a bit confused here, I’m passing some concrete type but it wants… generic type?
Attempt 3
I tried a bit more, I get back to declare type props in Sandbox module, switch from simple function to functor:

module MakeSandbox = (Item: Sandbox) => {
  let useSandbox = (props) => {
    let (model, dispatch) = React.useReducer(Item.update, Item.initialModel)
    Item.view(dispatch, model, props)


let make = (~prefix: string, ~switchPrefix: unit => unit) => {
  module Sanbox = Browser.MakeSandbox(T)
  Sanbox.useSandbox({prefix, switchPrefix})

I finally achieved my goal (while writing this post :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:). Initially, I was thinking about moving components make and makeProps to functor as well but I’m not sure if it’s even possible and I’m happy with the result so far.
But! After I failed in the first 2 attempts now my brain itches me because:

  • I feel like there might solution to the first attempt, but I’m just not able to handle it
  • I don’t understand how to deal (or why I can’t deal) with a second attempt

Are you able to help me explain that? :sweat_smile:

Hi, before we jump into the details of your question, one thing–have you checked out ? It’s a port of the Elm architecture to ReScript.


I believe one concept you may be missing is “locally abstract types.” They allow you to declare new types that are abstract inside a function but polymorphic to outside code. They’re almost always necessary with first-class modules and GADTs.

This should compile:

module type Sandbox = {
  type model
  type msg
  type props
  let initialModel: model
  let update: (model, msg) => model
  let view: (msg => unit, model, props) => React.element

// make props a localy abstract type
let useSandbox:
  type p. (module(Sandbox with type props = p), p) => React.element =
  sandbox => {
    module Sandbox = unpack(sandbox)
    let (model, dispatch) = React.useReducer(
    Sandbox.view(dispatch, model)

I’m not aware of good ReScript documentation or examples of that yet, but you can read about it on Real World OCaml.


if you don’t want to fully annotate the expression you can use this syntax:

let useSandbox =
  (type p, sandbox: module(Sandbox with type props = p)) => ...

@johnj thanks a lot for the code snippet, the longer explanation, and the link to the article.
I wasn’t really into OCaml, I came from FE world and Rescript is my choice because it has better FFI than Elm or Purescript, and still allows me to use a huge React ecosystem… but I feel like documentation and examples are tiny on the advanced types… So I found myself happy exploring OCaml :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Good to have the resource explaining it more. The syntax is still exotic for me.
@amiralies thanks for the shorter syntax. Once I fully understand it, it will be probably more practical!
@yawaramin thanks a lot for mentioning bucklescript-tea!
To be more precise I personally like Purescript Halogen more than Elm (because of components and global store), but what I wanted exactly is structuring React app by saying “this goes there, and this goes there”. React hooks are great but people often implement them pretty messy.
Anyway, I like Elm’s syntax for describing dom elements, and it’s cool to see something similar in Rescript. I’m definitely going to try it!