11.1 type confusion?

Hi All.
Im trying to bring rescript-parser to latest and seeing this error:

  This has type: t<('a, 'b) => 'c>
  But this function argument is expecting: t<('a, 'b) => 'c>
  These two variant types have no intersection


Any hints?
I had just gotten past one where an Array reduce was refusing to flatten to a single type as well:
(('a, 'b) => 'b, 'a, array<'a>): 'b should trivially become (('a, 'a) => 'a, 'a, array<'a>): 'a but solved this with a new function with explicit type annotation.

Hmm, this usually means that the expected and actual type have different curried uncurried statuses. This can happen when you use functions from the JS or Belt modules that expect curried functions.

This situation is pretty bad but will be solved in v12.