[ANN] Practical ReScript

Hello folks, long time no see :slight_smile:

I’ve been writing Practical ReScript, a blog where I’ve been exploring different aspects of ReScript. Here’s some of the free content:

This is a companion blog for my upcoming book, which you can pre-order here

Just thought some of you may enjoy this :pray: – I’ve got more content on the pipeline including:

  • More honest comparisons with other languages (like Elm, ClojureScript, PureScript, etc)
  • More explorations of ReScript on Deno (including interop with Rust code)
  • And of course, more use-cases coming straight from shipping great software with ReScript :nerd_face:

Hope you like it and feel free to spread the word elsewhere :speaking_head:


/ Leandro


Hi folks! It’s been a while :slight_smile: new drop on Practical ReScript :sparkles:

This is the first part of the entire chapter on understanding the type system for the ReScript book I never finished :grimacing: – so I figured i’d just share some of this for free rather than see it bitrot in an old repo.

Enjoy and let me know what you think :wave:


Looks really cool! I tried to pre-order but it doesn’t seem to work?

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In one of your blog, I see

$ ./demo hello --name=joe -v
{ _: [ "hello" ], name: "joe", v: true }

Is there a way for Deno to run the compiled code of ReScript right away? I am not aware of such things (I’m beginner). Maybe you could show it how?

Yes, if you look closely here are running the binary compiled by deno, but you can also call deno run ./main.js and it should just execute the compiled ReScript code.

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If you want deno to execute after every save, run both the rescript watcher and the deno watcher, e.g.:

Terminal 1:

npm run "rescript build -w"

Terminal 2:

deno run --watch ./main.js 

Part II is out :cupcake: – enjoy!


Another post showing some of the patterns for writing large projects that we used at Walnut: