[ANN] rescript-rest - RPC-like client, contract, and server implementation for a pure REST API

Creating and consuming REST APIs was a neglected part of the ReScript ecosystem, and since the first days of using ReScript, I have been thinking about how to solve the problem. This is how I started creating rescript-schema and rescript-json-schema. After a long break, I collected all my OSS experience, took inspiration from ts-rest, and started building the new rescript-rest with the goal of creating an ultimate tool for working with REST API in ReScript with top-notch DX.

And today, I want to announce the first Beta version of the library rescript-rest. It currently covers very little scope of problems I plan to solve, but that’s the first step for a great library that is already usable to some extent.

Basic usage

Create Contract.res and define your routes:

// Contract.res

let createGame = Rest.route(() => {
  path: "/game",
  method: "POST",
  schema: s => {
    "userName": s.field("user_name", S.string),

:brain: Currently rescript-rest supports only client, but the idea is to reuse the file both for client and server.

Now you can use the contract to perform type-safe calls to your server:

// Client.res

let client = Rest.client(~baseUrl="http://localhost:3000")

let _ = await client.call(Contract.createGame, ~variables={"userName": "Dmitry"})

Planned features

  • Support path params
  • Support query params
  • Implement type-safe response
  • Support passing headers and fetch options
  • Generate OpenAPI from Contract
  • Generate Contract from OpenAPI
  • Integrate with Fastify on server-side

I have a vision of how the library should look in the end, but one of the reasons I posted the announcement this early is to get your feedback, so feel free to leave any thoughts you have. Also, I will use the thread to post new versions with new features :blush:


In the end, the tool should support the majority of ts-rest features, have a more ergonomic design for ReScript users, have a tree-shakable contract, and be more convenient for passing body/params/query - as a single variables value where you can use variants. While in ts-rest you should use separate fields for them.

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This especially would be a fantastic addition to the ecosystem. I look forward to following your progress!


Very interesting! Thank you, for sharing your work!

I was wondering if there were specific reasons you chose string for path and method?

In case you haven’t come across this project: I really enjoy using GitHub - anuragsoni/routes: typed bidirectional router for OCaml/ReasonML web applications


For the last few months, I have had to pause the development of rescript-rest because an important feature was missing in my other library, rescript-schema. I finally managed to implement it, and I am happy to announce the release of ReScript Schema V7 as well as the continuation of rescript-rest development.

ReScript Schema V7 :fire:

S.object superpowers :superhero:

I needed this for rescript-rest, and I hope it will be useful for many other rescript-schema users.


Now, it’s possible to spread/flatten an object schema in another object schema, allowing you to reuse schemas in a more powerful way.

type entityData = {
  name: string,
  age: int,
type entity = {
  id: string,

let entityDataSchema = S.object(s => {
  name: s.field("name", S.string),
  age: s.field("age", S.int),
let entitySchema = S.object(s => {
  let {name, age} = s.flatten(entityDataSchema)
    id: s.field("id", S.string),


A new nice way to parse nested fields:

let schema = S.object(s => {
    id: s.field("id", S.string),
    name: s.nestedField("data", "name", S.string)
    age: s.nestedField("data", "name", S.int),

Object destructuring

Also, it’s possible to destructure object field schemas inside of the definition. You could also notice it in the s.flatten example :grin:

let entitySchema = S.object(s => {
  let {name, age} = s.field("data", entityDataSchema)
    id: s.field("id", S.string),

:brain: While the example with s.flatten expect an object with the type {id: string, name: string, age: int}, the example above and with s.nestedField will expect an object with the type {id: string, data: {name: string, age: int}}.

Extend field with another object schema

You can define object field multiple times to extend it with more fields:

let entitySchema = S.object(s => {
  let {name, age} = s.field("data", entityDataSchema)
  let additionalData = s.field("data", s => {
    "friends": s.field("friends", S.array(S.string))
    id: s.field("id", S.string),
    friends: additionalData["friends"],

:brain: Destructuring works only with not-transformed object schemas. Be careful since it’s not protected by type system.

Autocomplete improvements :keyboard:

Updated context type names to s for better auto-complete in your IDE.

  • effectCtxs
  • Object.ctxObject.s
  • Tuple.ctxTuple.s
  • schemaCtxSchema.s
  • catchCtxCatch.s

S.json redesign :minidisc:

Added unsafe mode for S.json:

  • S.jsonS.json(~validate: bool)
  • More flexible
  • Improved tree-shaking
  • Tools using rescript-schema can get the info from the tagged type: JSONJSON({validated: bool})

Other cool changes and sometimes breaking :bomb:

  • Added serializeToJsonStringOrRaiseWith

  • Allow to create S.union with a single item

  • Removed s.failWithError. Use S.Error.raise instead

  • PPX: Removed @schema for type expressions. Use @s.matches instead.

  • Removed async support for S.union. Please create an issue if you used the feature

  • Improved parsing performance of S.array and S.dict ~3 times

  • Automatic serializing stopped working for tuples/objects/unions of literals. Use S.literal instead

  • Removed InvalidTupleSize error code in favor of InvalidType

  • Changed payload of Object and Tuple variants in the tagged type

  • Redesigned Literal module to make it more efficient

    • The S.Literal.t type was renamed to S.literal, became private and changed structure. Use S.Literal.parse to create instances of the type
    • S.Literal.classifyS.Literal.parse
    • S.Literal.toTextS.Literal.toString. Also, started using .toString for Function literals and removed spaces for Dict and Array literals to make them look the same as the JSON.stringify output
  • Moved built-in refinements from nested modules to improve tree-shaking:

    • S.Int.minS.intMin

    • S.Int.maxS.intMax

    • S.Int.portS.port

    • S.Float.minS.floatMin

    • S.Float.maxS.floatMax

    • S.Array.minS.arrayMinLength

    • S.Array.maxS.arrayMaxLength

    • S.Array.lengthS.arrayLength

    • S.String.minS.stringMinLength

    • S.String.maxS.stringMaxLength

    • S.String.lengthS.stringLength

    • S.String.emailS.email

    • S.String.uuidS.uuid

    • S.String.cuidS.cuid

    • S.String.urlS.url

    • S.String.patternS.pattern

    • S.String.datetimeS.datetime

    • S.String.trimS.trim

    • S.Int.minS.intMin

    • S.Int.maxS.intMax

    • S.Number.maxS.numberMax/S.integerMax

    • S.Number.minS.numberMin/S.integerMin


Can’t wait to see what you come up with with these changes

Pretty much the whole API for the library :arrow_up:


:new: rescript-rest@0.2.0 is out!

Now, it’s possible to define headers and query params with superb DX and total type-safety.
Hence, here’s the updated Super Simple Example from the docs:


:new: rescript-rest@0.3.0 is out!

  • Made ~variables in the call function a non-labeled argument
  • Added support for path parameters

Define your API contract somewhere shared, for example, Contract.res:

let getPost = Rest.route(() => {
  path: "/posts/:id",
  method: "GET",
  variables: s => s.param("id", S.string),

Consume the api on the client with a RPC-like interface:

let client = Rest.client(~baseUrl="http://localhost:3000")

let result = await client.call(
  // ^-- Fully typed!
) // ℹ️ It'll do a GET request to http://localhost:3000/posts/123

:new: rescript-rest@0.4.1 released!

It comes with type-safe responses support. There’s still a big list of possible features, but from this moment, I’d call rescript-rest ready to be used in real projects :fire:

Check the updated documentation: GitHub - DZakh/rescript-rest: ReScript RPC-like client, contract, and server implementation for a pure REST API
I’ve included examples for different use cases.

Here’s the part for Responses:


Responses are described as an array of response definitions. It’s possible to assign the definition to a specific status using s.status method.

let createPost = Rest.route(() => {
  path: "/posts",
  method: "POST",
  variables: _ => (),
  responses: [
    s => {
    s => {
      Error(s.field("message", S.string))

You can use s.status multiple times. To define a range of response statuses, you may use 1XX, 2XX, 3XX, 4XX and 5XX. If s.status is not used in a response definition, it’ll be treated as a default case, accepting a response with any status code.

let createPost = Rest.route(() => {
  path: "/posts",
  method: "POST",
  variables: _ => (),
  responses: [
    s => {
    s => {
      Error(s.field("message", S.string))
    s => {
      Error("Server Error")
    s => Error("Unexpected Error"),

Also, there’s a cool feature to define response headers, which doesn’t exist in ts-rest :raised_hands:


Responses from an API can include custom headers to provide additional information on the result of an API call. For example, a rate-limited API may provide the rate limit status via response headers as follows:

HTTP 1/1 200 OK
X-RateLimit-Limit: 100
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 99
X-RateLimit-Reset: 2016-10-12T11:00:00Z
{ ... }

You can define custom headers in a response as follows:

let ping = Rest.route(() => {
  path: "/ping",
  method: "GET",
  summary: "Checks if the server is alive",
  variables: _ => (),
  responses: [
    s => {
        "limit": s.header("X-RateLimit-Limit", S.int->S.description("Request limit per hour.")),
        "remaining": s.header("X-RateLimit-Remaining", S.int->S.description("The number of requests left for the time window.")),
        "reset": s.header("X-RateLimit-Reset", S.string->S.datetime->S.description("The UTC date/time at which the current rate limit window resets.")),

ReScript Schema V8 is out :dna:

Faster, more reliable, more flexible.

Full changelog here: https://github.com/DZakh/rescript-schema/releases/tag/v8.0.0

And after a break I’m back working on rescript-rest :sweat_smile:


Some progress towards ReScript codegen from OpenAPI :building_construction:
Finished adding types for all objects in the OpenAPI v3.1 specification and released rescript-openapi@0.2.0


ReScript Rest v0.7.0 is out with the Fastify integration.


ReScript Rest V1 has been released and this is the best tool now to build REST API and consume them on the client :fire:


In the version:

  • Better Fastify integration with the ability to respond with different statuses
  • Out of the box fast-json-stringify integration to make responses 2x faster
  • Ability to generate OpenAPI from your Fastify application created with ReScript Rest
  • Bindings and documentation on how to host an OpenAPI reference UI using Scalar

I recorded a video where I talk about the library in details :eyes:


I started building integration for Next.js pages API

You can try it out in the rescript-rest@2.0.0-rc.1 version


And SWC support now is here as well:


Now, you can handle webhooks in Next.js handlers.


Added helper for Temporary Redirect :eyes: