Applications written in Rescript

do you know any public/confidential repositories of applications written in Rescript?

I mean some more ambitious applications that:

  • present the capabilities and advantages of the Rescript language
  • are written in idiomatic Rescript
  • have perfectly realized cooperation with JavaScript libraries
  • use frameworks such as Next.js, Remix, Express.js, Solid.js, for example?

I would appreciate if you could share links to the source codes of such applications, as the Rescript code examples in the documentation are very poor and disconnected from everyday programatic problems to solve.


I recently seen on Twitter: GitHub - dmtrKovalenko/subtitler: Free on-device web app for audio transcribing and rendering subtitles


Also there are some at GitHub - fhammerschmidt/awesome-rescript: A collection of materials about the ReScript programming language and toolchain.
And GitHub - pupilfirst/pupilfirst: A learning management system (LMS) that lets you run an asynchronous online school, where learning is achieved through focused tasks, directed feedback, an iterative workflow, and community interaction.
But I’d say they are a little outdated

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Interesting repository! Thanks :star_struck:

Here’s a discord bot of mine written in rescript


I also made several videos working through making a Chrome extension with Rescript.
Sorta on hiatus.
idk if its ‘idiotmatic’, I used it to learn