November 24, 2021, 12:02pm
I’m trying to write a binding that gives me this:
import axios from "axios";
axios.get("http://localhost:3005/characters").then(function (resp) {
return Promise.resolve((console.log(resp.data)));
I tried something similar to an example from the “Bindings Cookbook” that seemed like it would get me there based on the example:
@module("axios") external get: string => Js.Promise.t<'data> = "get";
let _ = get("http://localhost:3005/characters")->then(resp => resolve(Js.log(resp["data"])))
but it gives me this JavaScript:
// Generated by ReScript, PLEASE EDIT WITH CARE
import * as Axios from "axios";
var Axios$1 = {};
Axios.get("http://localhost:3005/characters").then(function (resp) {
return Promise.resolve((console.log(resp.data), undefined));
export {
Axios$1 as Axios,
/* Not a pure module */
Running the JavaScript code gives me an error “TypeError: Axios.get” is not a function".
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
November 24, 2021, 1:13pm
Your binding and the generated code look correct, do you have axios
installed correctly?
I use axios myself (together with bs-axios) and the generated code is pretty much the same.
November 24, 2021, 2:17pm
It’s likely because you’re using ES6, axios here is a default import, so you need to add a scope("default")
like this:
@scope("default") @module("axios") external get: string => Js.Promise.t<'data> = "get";
let _ = get("http://localhost:3005/characters")->then(resp => resolve(Js.log(resp["data"])))
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November 25, 2021, 4:17am
Adding @scope (“default”) did the trick!
October 1, 2022, 9:30pm
It took me hours of aimless wanderings to find this solution, which was blind luck when I was about to give up and go back to commonjs. Is this not in the documentation? It seems important.
Maybe here? Interop Cheatsheet | ReScript Language Manual
@scope is in there, but for mundane things like Math.random(), not for using @scope as a hack to get around es6 default import weirdness, as demonstrated here in my working solution:
type pool
@module("pg") @scope("default") @new external pool: unit => pool = "Pool"
import * as Pg from "pg";
var pool = new (Pg.default.Pool)();
Here’s a relevant issue that seems abandoned.
opened 12:57PM - 24 May 21 UTC
Note ES6's default import can not be faithfully translated into commonjs, so if … you design an API, please don't use
default exports/imports. This issue is to help reduce the main of dealing with js libraries using default.
Current state:
@module("express") external express: unit => express = "default"
In ES6, it is compiled into
import Express from "express";
In CommonJS, it is compiled into
var Express = require('express').default
This conforms to Babel's convention, however NodeJS and Babel disagree on such convention,
both convention make sense based on their tradeoffs.
Here I am proposing treating another `external` style as ES6 import:
@module external express: unit => express = "express"
This in commonjs is compiled into
var Express = require("express")
In ES6, it is compiled into
import * as Express from "express";
Note from binding's point of view, `import * as E` rarely makes sense, sine in ES6, you can not export the whole module as an object, so I am proposing in ES6, it compiles into
import Express from 'express'
With my proposed change, we have two ways to express default import, one way is to match babel semantics, the other is to match Node semantics
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October 2, 2022, 9:18am
There’s an alternative solution:
type axios
@module("axios") external axios: axios = "default"
@send external get: (axios, string) => Js.Promise.t<'data> = "get"
let _ =
|> Js.Promise.then_(resp => {
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