Hi Everyone, I am an occasional ocaml developer and I wanted to create a dashboard to replace something I wrote in python (https://github.com/ocaml-bench/sandmark-nightly) because of performance issues.
I wanted to use rescript react to build it but also wanted this to be an activity where I can learn rescript js ffi specially with npm packages.
I am a beginner when it comes to rescript so I might be asking wrong questions.
For example I tried to convert the readCSV function in danfojs mentioned in the getting started section : Getting Started - Danfo.js
And I tried to use the following code to get an object out of the function :
%%raw(`import './App.css';`)
@module("./logo.svg") external logo: string = "default"
@module("danfojs-node") external readCSV: string => {..} = "readCSV"
let a = readCSV("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plotly/datasets/master/finance-charts-apple.csv")
let make = () => {
<div> {a->React.string} </div>
I am not able to get anything out of it, any help would be appreciated, Thanks
As suggested in the rescript docs, it will be cleaner if you use the new Promise library, but I wrote this one in the playground and did not want to copy the bindings over.
Furthermore, I would suggest to only use {..} for quick prototyping. You most probably want to have a DF.t type instead and write bindings to its object methods.
I’m sorry this is extremely late of me but I am interviewing for jobs so I couldn’t get to this message and to the task I was trying to achieve. But thanks so much for the help if I ever go back to writing the danfo.js ffi for rescript I will continue on this lead.