I found it to be a HUGE win to communicate between a web apps frontend and backend using ordinary variants. So far I haven’t encountered any problems, but I’m wondering if there could be any issues.
Here’s the types (note this is ALL possible responses from server side currently, whether its scalable I haven’t decided yet)
type authType = Success | Fail | Invalid | Needed | Ended | Active | Inactive
type errorType = NotFound
type dataType = Bookmarks(array<Bookmarks.t>)
type createType = Duplicate | Success
type recoverType = Sent | NotFound | Reset | BadToken | TooShort
type t =
| Auth(authType)
| Error(errorType)
| Data(dataType)
| Create(createType)
| Recover(recoverType)
| Init
| Loading
Here’s the server responding with some bookmark data. This is just basic express, which I’m assuming just serializes with JSON.stringify
Here is the client getting the data. You can see the rescript goodness is where we can directly switch on the response.
let response = await Responses.fetchGet("/backend/bookmarks")
let bookmarks = switch response {
| Data(Bookmarks(bms)) => bms
| _ => Responses.raiseError(response) // didnt get response we expected
Here is Responses.fetchGet()
let fetchGet = async (url: string): t => {
open Fetch
let args: Request.init = {
method: #GET,
headers: Headers.fromObject({"Content-type": "application/json"}),
let response = await fetch(url, args)
let response = await response->Response.json
let response = response->jsonTot
Here’s the cheat code that makes this all possible without having to validate anything
external jsonTot: JSON.t => t = "%identity"
If you are wondering I’m not that concerned with validating because I would be validating a variant I just requested that was created from the exact same source. I’m not expecting a man-in-the-middle attack breaking my serialized variants.
I’m also very curious if the internal representation of the variant would be stable enough to generate it from another language, like a golang backend.
Here is what it looks like with empty data FYI, looks a little “undocumented” to me