This works for me locally:
./rescript-editor-analysis.exe extractDocs tests/src/DocExtractionRes.res
It produces:
"name": "DocExtractionRes",
"docstrings": ["Module level documentation goes here."],
"items": [
"id": "DocExtractionRes.t",
"kind": "type",
"name": "t",
"signature": "type t = {name: string, online: bool}",
"docstrings": ["This type represents stuff."],
"kind": "record",
"fieldDocs": [{
"fieldName": "name",
"optional": false,
"docstrings": ["The name of the stuff."],
"signature": "string"
}, {
"fieldName": "online",
"optional": false,
"docstrings": ["Whether stuff is online."],
"signature": "bool"
"id": "DocExtractionRes.make",
"kind": "value",
"name": "make",
"signature": "let make: string => t",
"docstrings": ["Create stuff.\n\n```rescript example\nlet stuff = make(\"My name\")\n```"]
"id": "DocExtractionRes.asOffline",
"kind": "value",
"name": "asOffline",
"signature": "let asOffline: t => t",
"docstrings": ["Stuff goes offline."]
"id": "SomeInnerModule.DocExtractionRes",
"kind": "module",
"name": "SomeInnerModule",
"docstrings": ["Another module level docstring here."],
"items": [
"id": "DocExtractionRes.SomeInnerModule.status",
"kind": "type",
"name": "status",
"signature": "type status = Started(t) | Stopped | Idle",
"docstrings": [],
"kind": "variant",
"constructorDocs": [
"constructorName": "Started",
"docstrings": ["If this is started or not"],
"signature": "Started(t)"
"constructorName": "Stopped",
"docstrings": ["Stopped?"],
"signature": "Stopped"
"constructorName": "Idle",
"docstrings": ["Now idle."],
"signature": "Idle"
"id": "DocExtractionRes.SomeInnerModule.validInputs",
"kind": "type",
"name": "validInputs",
"signature": "type validInputs = [\\n | #\\\"needs-escaping\\\"\\n | #something\\n | #status(status)\\n | #withPayload(int)\\n]",
"docstrings": ["These are all the valid inputs."]
"id": "DocExtractionRes.SomeInnerModule.callback",
"kind": "type",
"name": "callback",
"signature": "type callback = (t, ~status: status) => unit",
"docstrings": []
"id": "AnotherModule.DocExtractionRes",
"kind": "module",
"name": "AnotherModule",
"docstrings": ["Mighty fine module here too!"],
"items": [
"id": "DocExtractionRes.AnotherModule.SomeInnerModule",
"kind": "moduleAlias",
"docstrings": ["This links another module. Neat."],
"signature": "module LinkedModule = SomeInnerModule"
"id": "DocExtractionRes.AnotherModule.callback",
"kind": "type",
"name": "callback",
"signature": "type callback = SomeInnerModule.status => unit",
"docstrings": ["Testing what this looks like."]
"id": "DocExtractionRes.AnotherModule.isGoodStatus",
"kind": "value",
"name": "isGoodStatus",
"signature": "let isGoodStatus: SomeInnerModule.status => bool",
"docstrings": []
"id": "DocExtractionRes.AnotherModule.someVariantWithInlineRecords",
"kind": "type",
"name": "someVariantWithInlineRecords",
"signature": "type someVariantWithInlineRecords = SomeStuff({offline: bool})",
"docstrings": ["Trying how it looks with an inline record in a variant."],
"kind": "variant",
"constructorDocs": [
"constructorName": "SomeStuff",
"docstrings": ["This has inline records..."],
"signature": "SomeStuff"
"id": "DocExtractionRes.AnotherModule.domRoot",
"kind": "type",
"name": "domRoot",
"signature": "type domRoot = unit => ReactDOM.Client.Root.t",
"docstrings": ["Callback to get the DOM root..."]
"id": "ModuleWithThingsThatShouldNotBeExported.DocExtractionRes",
"kind": "module",
"name": "ModuleWithThingsThatShouldNotBeExported",
"docstrings": [],
"items": [
"id": "DocExtractionRes.ModuleWithThingsThatShouldNotBeExported.t",
"kind": "type",
"name": "t",
"signature": "type t",
"docstrings": ["The type t is stuff."]
"id": "DocExtractionRes.ModuleWithThingsThatShouldNotBeExported.make",
"kind": "value",
"name": "make",
"signature": "let make: unit => t",
"docstrings": ["The maker of stuff!"]