I don’t really get how to set things up, nothing seems obvious.
what do I do when my lib uses modules internally that are not to be exposed? for example, I might have a library that has bindings for “chalk” because it does logging, but it should not “re-export” chalk. right now, anyone who uses the library cannot have a module named chalk in their code. how is this to be handled in real-world projects?
is it ok to use RescriptCore in libraries? I’m getting duplicated package log messages all over.
my code started doing REALLY weird stuff after dividing it into packages.
for example, Result.Map just stopped working:
Console.log(r) // logs { TAG: 'Ok', _0: [Function (anonymous)] }
let x = r->Result.map(x => {
}) // doesnt log
Console.log(x) // logs { TAG: 'Ok', _0: [Function (anonymous)] }
looking inside Core__Result.mjs:
function map(opt, f) {
if (opt.TAG === /* Ok */0) {
return {
TAG: /* Ok */0,
_0: Curry._1(f, opt._0)
} else {
return opt;
so it’s not looking for “Ok”, it’s looking for 0. what?
this is rescript 11 rc8