Default value for optional prop in jsx4?

Is there any example on how to provide a default value to an optional react component prop in jsx4?
Previously this could be done inline with @react.component but with props becoming a record im not sure

There’s no difference. You don’t need to know about the records if all you do is use @react.component like before.

Thanks Cristiano
I am trying to pass a [variety of] react component as prop to another, so I cannot use @react.component.

ah maybe its just an internal implementation detail?
[edit: looking more its surely avoidable but it is a change, my implementation components need to now alias their prop types, and since I dont implement the component as @react.component anymore they start looking different from others…will just require some explanation to the team ]

Can you give a concrete example of what you are trying to do? I am still not sure what you are asking.