I’m working on a project, a site that lets my friends vote on movies to watch on my plex server, and I am getting some odd errors. I’m not 100% sure which combo is causing them, but I wanted to raise it here in case something is compatible with something else. Stack:
- Deno and Fresh, no issues from there so far. I do have to make sure I use Deno install so rescript deps are in node_modules
- Rescript v12 via the @next tag
- @rescript/webapi, latest version
- rescript-edgedb, latest version
Something fidgety is going on, and I’m not sure where it’s coming from. Here’s an example error:
module InsertMovie = %edgeql(`
# @name insertMovie
insert Movie {
title := <str>$title
You referred to the module db__edgeql, but we've found one called Db__edgeql instead.
Is the name's casing right?ReScript
The output from running deno run build:edgedb -- --watch
looks fine.
// @sourceHash 90ae927fdc440d4fbef6d3721c860e99
module InsertMovie = {
let queryText = `# @name insertMovie
insert Movie {
title := <str>$title
type args = {
title: string,
type response = {
id: string,
let query = (client: EdgeDB.Client.t, args: args): promise<result<response, EdgeDB.Error.errorFromOperation>> => {
client->EdgeDB.QueryHelpers.singleRequired(queryText, ~args)
let transaction = (transaction: EdgeDB.Transaction.t, args: args): promise<result<response, EdgeDB.Error.errorFromOperation>> => {
transaction->EdgeDB.TransactionHelpers.singleRequired(queryText, ~args)