Error evaluating recursive modules (ReScript 11.0.0-rc.9)

Hi everyone,

I tried updating my codebase from 10.1.4 to 11.0.0-rc.9, but I’ve run into an issue recursive components:

Cannot safely evaluate the definition of the recursively-defined module X

Here is a reproduction.

These are the package versions I use:

  • rescript: “11.0.0-rc.9”
  • @rescript/core: “0.6.0”
  • @rescript/react: “0.12.0-alpha.2”

I also created an issue in rescript-compiler repo here.

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Note that this is blocking me from migrating in two separate codebases. :frowning:

Could you give a more concrete example of what you’re trying to do? Maybe there’s some workaround.

I can’t provide the exact example I have in my codebase due to the NDA. We are building a generic no-code platform, where recursive component are of great help. Right now, we have 7-8 examples in the codebase, but they are all essentially like the one I provided in the playground reproduction.
In one of the cases we have a “Table of Content” recursive component.

Are recursive components supported in the new v11, as well as recursive modules?

they are all essentially like the one I provided in the playground reproduction

A small correction, in playground reproduction I have an infinite loop, but none of our examples in codebase can produce an infinite loop.

Our examples are more like this:

module type RecursiveComponentType = {
  type rec data ={
    name: string,
    children: option<array<data>>
  type props = {
    data: array<data>
  let make: React.component<props>

module rec RecursiveComponent:RecursiveComponentType = {
  type rec data = {
    name: string,
    children: option<array<data>>

  type props = {
    data: array<data>

  let make: React.component<props> = ({data}) => {
    <div style={{ paddingLeft: "20px" }}>
      {data-> => {
        <div key={}>
          // Base Condition and Rendering recursive component from inside itself
            {parent.children-> => <RecursiveComponent data={children} />)->Option.getOr(React.null)}

Here is the new playground reproduction with the above code.


I didn’t test it, but the make function can be recursive.


Yes, that is one of the workarounds we could use. However, it is not the same because make, on its own, isn’t a React component (nested call doesn’t end up as JsxRuntime.jsxs call in js output) which brings some benefits.

Fix here, will be in the first v11.x release: Fix issue with recursive modules and uncurried. by cristianoc · Pull Request #6575 · rescript-lang/rescript-compiler · GitHub


11.0.1 is now out with this fix.