I guess you’re trying to write bindings to TanStack. Unfortunately scoped polymorphic types are fairly limited and almost only work within bindings, they don’t play well when you write functions in ReScript and the compiler tries to infer the type.
Given you likely don’t care about the type 'cellData as long as it is indeed the same in both accessorFn and cell, because I guess the columnDefs will be consumed by JS and not by ReScript, you could just wrap the type inside an unboxed variant:
module ColumnDef = {
type cellProps<'tData, 'cellData> = {getValue: unit => 'cellData}
type tRaw<'tData, 'cellData> = {
id: string,
accessorFn: 'tData => 'cellData,
cell?: 'cellData. cellProps<'tData, 'cellData> => React.element,
enableSorting?: bool,
@unboxed type rec t<'tData> = ColumnDef(tRaw<'tData, 'cellData>): t<'tData>
type t = {
id: string,
rank: int,
let columnDefs: array<ColumnDef.t<t>> = [
id: "ID",
accessorFn: t => t.id,
id: "Rank",
accessorFn: t => t.rank,
I guess you’re trying to write bindings to TanStack.
Yes. The binding work is making me regret my choice.
Your solution works at first sight. I will test it out further when I get time.
I guess the columnDefs will be consumed by JS and not by ReScript,
As far as I remember, one of the Tanstack Table APIs would require me to access columnDef on ReScript side. I think its flexRender. I would have to test how the solution pans out in that case.