Error: Files make inconsistent assumptions over interface Bs_stdlib_mini

Sometimes when I save a rescript file in watch mode, then the compiler compiles and throws this error. I had to restart bsb -make-world -w -ws _.

FAILED: bindings/***/****.cmj

  We've found a bug for you!
  It's possible that your build is stale.
  Try to clean the artifacts and build again?
  Here's the original error message
  The files /Users/acsreedharreddy/*****/****/node_modules/bs-platform/darwin/bsc.exe
  and /Users/acsreedharreddy/****/****/lib/ocaml/****.cmi
  make inconsistent assumptions over interface Bs_stdlib_mini
bsb: [120/122] src/Index-***.cmj
FAILED: cannot make progress due to previous errors.

What could be the issue or how can I fix this?

is it reproducible? It seems you have two versions of compiler installed

Yeah you are right.
It is a monorepo with multiple packages. and each use different versions of compiler.
Would this be causing the issue?

Yeah that’s exactly the problem. Any problem upgrading them all to the same version?

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We did not pay much attention to upgrade all the packages I guess. Will try. Thanks