Error in ReScript Template

I ran the npm command to create the default ReScript Vite app

  • installed the extension
  • npm run res:dev
  • npm run dev

And I get the error bellow, everything still runs fine, it seems to be only inside of VS Code.
Am I missing some sort of extra language server or extension?

Can you share the rescript.json file?

Have you used the command before? And did you do it with @latest like npm create rescript-app@latest?

hello, yes I did exactly with that command, everything untouched, same with the rescript.json fille, original from the template. Vite 5 template with react, all latest versions 11.1.4 rescript and 1.6.1 core

  "name": "game",
  "sources": [
      "dir": "src",
      "subdirs": true
  "package-specs": [
      "module": "esmodule",
      "in-source": true
  "suffix": ".res.mjs",
  "bs-dependencies": [
  "bsc-flags": [
    "-open RescriptCore"
  "jsx": {
    "version": 4

I’ve noticed VSCode language extensions intermittently bug out all the time (not just rescript, typescript too). If I see an issue in the editor but the command line shows okay, you can try restarting rescript’s LS - fixes it for me sometimes. In VSC, open the command palette (ctrl + shift + p), and type “rescript” and select “Rescript: Restart Language Sever”

I’ve done that a few times toto, unfortunately not the solution, but thanks

Is this happening all the time, even if you restart the editor?

About having to restart the LS: Language servers are tricky, but we’d still like to eliminate as many problems as we can. So please report any issues you find that causes you to have to restart the language server, if you can find a way to reproduce them.

yeah, happens all the time no matter the restarting.

Could you open an issue on the vscode extension tracker? So we can debug it from there.