Following manual for .resi files, getting weird errors

Doesn’t this forum need a “help” section for dumb questions like mine?

Just experimenting with javascript bindings, created a file


type t
@new @module external make: unit => t = "Chance"
@send external getBoolLikelihood: (t, {"likelihood": int}) => bool = "bool"

let getBool = (~likelihood=50, ()) => {
  let c = make()
  c->getBoolLikelihood({"likelihood": likelihood})

It works, now I want a resi file so only getBool is public (yes I’ve read elsewhere that rewriting the interface to a JS module is maybe annoying) but this is just for learning.

Mousing over getBool gives me

(~?likelihood: int, unit) => bool

So I assume this is the type signature for getBool (what else could it be?), so from this, I create


let getBool: (~?likelihood: int, unit) => bool

Saving it removes the “?”, confused, I save without formatting

I get this baffling error

  The implementation /Users/kevin/Development/rescript-stuff/template-one/src/lib/Chance.res
       does not match the interface src/lib/chance.cmi:
       Values do not match:
         let getBool: (~?likelihood: int, unit) => bool
       is not included in
         let getBool: (~likelihood: int, unit) => bool
       File "/Users/kevin/Development/rescript-stuff/template-one/src/lib/Chance.resi", line 2, characters 1-47:
         Expected declaration
       File "/Users/kevin/Development/rescript-stuff/template-one/src/lib/Chance.res", line 5, characters 5-12:

First thing that stands out is there is no src/lib/chance.cmi? Maybe its the “compiled” version of Chance.resi, which might be a fun fact but not really helpful.

I try again, letting the auto formatting remove the ?

       does not match the interface src/lib/chance.cmi:
       Values do not match:
         let getBool: (~?likelihood: int, unit) => bool
       is not included in
         let getBool: (~likelihood: int, unit) => bool
       File "/Users/kevin/Development/rescript-stuff/template-one/src/lib/Chance.resi", line 3, characters 1-46:
         Expected declaration
       File "/Users/kevin/Development/rescript-stuff/template-one/src/lib/Chance.res", line 5, characters 5-12:

Same exact error, even though I changed the code.

The type you are getting on hover is incorrect. It should actually be:

let getBool: (~likelihood: int=?, unit) => bool

Can you file an issue?

The team has said in the past that they don’t want to differentiate ‘beginner’ questions because they want to make them the norm.

That incorrect type is the same as from this command I found in some forum

npx bsc -i src/lib/Chance.res

maybe that’s where it comes from

‘beginner’ questions because they want to make them the norm.

challenge accepted

The issue with hover is fixed in rescript-vscode’s master branch. Will be available in next release