Force inter-module functor application


I’m wondering if it’s possible to make the complier apply a function from another module at compile time.

I have the following two modules:

// Parent.res
module MakeGoodbyer = (Named: Child.Named) => {
  let sayGoodbye = () => Js.log("goodbye " ++

module TheNamed = {
  let name = "Alice"

module Hellor = Child.MakeHellor(TheNamed)
module Goodbyer = MakeGoodbyer(TheNamed)



// Child.res
module type Named = {
  let name: string

module MakeHellor = (Named: Named) => {
  let sayHello = () => Js.log("hello " ++

Which produces the following output:

import * as Curry from "rescript/lib/es6/curry.js";
import * as Child$Licht from "./Child.mjs";

function MakeGoodbyer(Named) {
  var sayGoodbye = function (param) {
    console.log("goodbye " +;
  return {
          sayGoodbye: sayGoodbye

var name = "Alice";

var TheNamed = {
  name: name

var Hellor = Child$Licht.MakeHellor(TheNamed);

function sayGoodbye(param) {
  console.log("goodbye Alice");

var Goodbyer = {
  sayGoodbye: sayGoodbye

Curry._1(Hellor.sayHello, undefined);


export {
  MakeGoodbyer ,
  TheNamed ,
  Hellor ,
  Goodbyer , 

As you can see, the application of MakeGoodbyer is optimised away, but MakeHellor is imported and applied at runtime. Is there a way to get the compiler to apply functors from other files at compile time?

Thanks very much :slight_smile:

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As I know it’s not possible.

Also, I recently had the opposite problem, where I wanted to disable inline optimization

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There was some experimental flag for cross module(files) optimizations, but it is not enabled (not mature for production quality)


Dang, well thank you both for you help :slight_smile: