How can I implement Order from Effect-ts

Need help translating this typescript code:

export type Order<T> = (a: T, b: T) => -1 | 0 | 1;

export const make =
  <T>(compare: Order<T>) =>
  (self: T, other: T) =>
    self === other ? 0 : compare(self, other);

export const str: Order<string> = make((a, b) =>
  a.localeCompare(b) > 0 ? 1 : -1

export const num: Order<number> = make((a, b) => (a > b ? 1 : -1));

export const bool: Order<boolean> = make((a, _b) => (a === false ? -1 : 1));

export const date: Order<Date> = make((a, b) => {
  const aTime = a.getTime();
  const bTime = b.getTime();
  if (aTime === bTime) return 0;
  return aTime < bTime ? -1 : 1;

export const map = <T, U>(order: Order<T>, getter: (self: U) => T) =>
  make<U>((self, other) => order(getter(self), getter(other)));

export const combine = <T>(...orders: [Order<T>, ...Array<Order<T>>]) =>
  make<T>((a, b) => {
    for (const order of orders) {
      const out = order(a, b);
      if (out !== 0) return out;
    return 0;

export const reverse = <T>(order: Order<T>): Order<T> =>
  make((a, b) => order(b, a));

If there is any other way to achieve this kind of composability, please share.

This looks pretty straightforward to bind to. What did you try and what errors did you get? Send a playground link.

I did not want to write bindings, I want to write this (or something similar) in rescript.
So far I’ve got this:

type t<'a> = ('a, 'a) => Core__Ordering.t

let make = (compare: t<'a>, self, other) => self == other ? 0.0 : compare(self, other)

let str = make(String.localeCompare, ...)
let num = make((a: int, b: int) => a > b ? 1.0 : -1.0, ...)

I need help with the map function

I would just do this:

let map = (order, getter) => (self, other) => order(getter(self), getter(other))

Playground link

I’d be cautious about using == for make, why not using the properties of ordering instead as I did in the playground instead?

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