How long will rescript support async/await?

It is very painful for me to write asynchronous code with Promise in rescript. Does the core team consider adding async/await support in rescript, and when?
The code is just like a piece of shit, and hard to understand and review :skull_and_crossbones:

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There are a couple of threads about this

I wouldn’t expect the feature any time soon. If you’re looking for ways to improve your code there are definitely ways to do that don’t involve await; in fact I don’t really see how await would help too much here. The biggest improvement I can see is to replace that big reduce call with a helper that can intersperse an array of promises with a delay.

Something like this maybe:

let {then, thenResolve} = module(Promise)

let delayPromises = (promises, delay) => {
  let rec aux = (promises, resultPromise) =>
    if promises->Js.Array2.length === 0 {
    } else {
      let head = promises->Js.Array2.unsafe_get(0)
      let rest = promises->Belt.Array.sliceToEnd(1)

        resultPromise->then(vals =>
          ->then(val => sleep(delay)->thenResolve(() => val))
          ->thenResolve(val => vals->Js.Array2.concat([val]))

  let head = promises->Js.Array2.unsafe_get(0)
  let rest = promises->Belt.Array.sliceToEnd(1)

  aux(rest, head->thenResolve(val => [val]))

let _ =
  -> =>
    stock->getPrice->thenResolve(price => (price, stock))