How to Create a Custom React Component with ReScript?

Hey guys… :wave:

I have been following the official documentation and some tutorials, but I am a bit stuck on how to create and manage custom React components in ReScript.

Here is what I’m trying to achieve: I want to create a reusable React component using ReScript that accepts props and renders some JSX. Specifically, I’m interested in understanding the best practices for defining props and handling state within these components.

For instance, if I wanted to create a simple button component that accepts label and onClick props, how would I go about it in ReScript? I’d love to see an example of how to define these props, pass them to the component, and handle events like click interactions.

Additionally, if there are any tips on integrating ReScript with existing React codebases or using it alongside JavaScript libraries, that would be incredibly helpful. I’m also curious about how ReScript manages component re-rendering and if there are any performance considerations to keep in mind.

I also check this: But I have not found any solution. Could anyone guide me about this?

Thanks in advance!

Respected community member! :innocent:

Hi there,

Did you read Components and Props | React?
If so, what part didn’t click for you?