How to define a variant with numbers, string and undefined

Hi all

I am trying a write a binding for Material ui Grid API and generate the genType tsx to be used in the other typescript parts
I stumbled upon the type which have the following values

| ‘auto’
| true
| 1
| 2
| 3
| 4
| 5
| 6
| 7
| 8
| 9
| 10
| 11
| 12

I tried to follow the bs-materialui guidelines to come up with the type like this

module Xs: {
type t
let _false: t
let auto: t
let _true: t
let _1: t
let _2: t
let _3: t
let _4: t
let _5: t
let _6: t
let _7: t
let _8: t
let _9: t
let _10: t
let _11: t
let _12: t
} = {
type rec t = Any('a): t

let _false = Any(false)
let auto = Any(“auto”)
let _true = Any(true)
let _1 = Any(1)
let _2 = Any(2)
let _3 = Any(3)
let _4 = Any(4)
let _5 = Any(5)
let _6 = Any(6)
let _7 = Any(7)
let _8 = Any(8)
let _9 = Any(9)
let _10 = Any(10)
let _11 = Any(11)
let _12 = Any(12)


module Component: {
type t
let string: string => t
let callback: (unit => React.element) => t
let element: React.element => t
} = {
type rec t = Any('a): t
let string = (v: string) => Any(v)
let callback = (v: unit => React.element) => Any(v)
let element = (v: React.element) => Any(v)

type alignContent = [#Stretch | #Center | #Flex_Start | #Flex_End | #Space_Between | #Space_Around]

module Grid = {
type spacing = [#V0 | #V1 | #V2 | #V3 | #V4 | #V5 | #V6 | #V7 | #V8 | #V9 | #V10]

@genType.import(("@material-ui/core", “Grid”)) @react.component
external make: (
~className: string=?,
~component: Component.t,
~alignContent: @bs.string
~container: bool=?,
~item: bool=?,
~children: React.element=?,
~xs: Xs.t=?,
~key: string=?,
~id: string=?,
) => React.element = “Grid”

I have the following error from the ts compiler.

Types of property ‘xs’ are incompatible.
Type ‘Xs_t’ is not assignable to type ‘boolean | “auto” | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | undefined’.
Type ‘Xs_t’ is not assignable to type ‘12’.

I am using the

bs-platform: 8.4.2,
Material ui: 4.11.0
Nextjs: 10.0.1

Please guide me

Hi, IIUC, you are trying to produce TypeScript type declarations by using genType to export ReScript bindings to Material UI Grid API? And you want to use these TypeScript declarations in other TypeScript code in your codebase? Do you also need to use the ReScript bindings in ReScript code?

Yes @yawaramin

That is correct, I am converting an existing typescript codebase to rescript


I have solved it like this

type xsType =
| True
| False
|“auto”) Auto
| V1
| V2
| V3
| V4
| V5
| V6
| V7
| V8
| V9
| V10
| V11
| V12

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