I want to prepare my repos for the upcomming Rescript v11; which I’ve somewhere (but I can’t find now in the #announcements) will default to uncurried functions.
I use the curried-by-default idiom very often. So I want to prepare. Is the definite blog post or documentation about this change and how to configure you project to opt-in/out?
The uncurried mode is indeed going to be the default one (it’s already from v11 beta 3 or 4).
But you don’t need to do any preparations, since it’s possible to set “uncurried”: false in your bsconfig to have it working as it is now.
Also, setting it to false and then gradually adding @@uncurried on top of the files, in my opinion, is the best way of migrating projects to the uncurried by default mode.
Thanks for your response. Do you know about a blog post or document page where the options are enumerate? It’s also possible to have the default and change it per module or per-function (i.e something like @curry or @@curry)?
Great! Looking forward for this post. I know @zth has written about it twitter, but I can’t find those now, though. So having a post/doc page for this would be really nice.
So I wanted to update my libraries to work in Rescript 11 as well as in Rescript 10; but the formatter is hindering my efforts.
For instance, this code (in 10):
@doc("Run each function in turn until one resolves to an Error, or all resolve to Ok.")
let bail: array<unit => t<'a, 'e>> => t<array<'a>, 'e> = _bail
let untilOk: array<unit => t<'a, 'e>> => t<option<'a>, 'e> = async actions => {
switch await actions->Array.map((a, _) => a()->flip)->bail {
| Error(r) => Ok(Some(r))
| Ok([]) => Ok(None)
| Ok(errors) => Error(errors->Array.getUnsafe(0))
Requires to change the expression actions->Array.map((a, _) => a()->flip)->bail to actions->Array.map(a => _ => a()->flip)->bail for it to type-check in Rescript 11; but the formatter of Rescript 10 will reverse it back.
On the other hand resolve(. val) is changed by the formatter of Rescript 11 to just resolve(val) which won’t work on Rescript 10.
The only solution is to either no use the formatter; or maintain a separate branch.
Like @ryyppy there will be a thorough blog post about this soon, and of course documentation as well. However, before that, we’ll soon establish an FAQ where we can gather information and answers to common questions that you’re likely to hit. Hoping to get that ball rolling very soon.
I have some libraries which are uncurried-ready; but other which are not (e.g rescript-webapi). This forces the main project to set "uncurried": false, because otherwise rescript-webapi fails to compile.
But the uncurried libraries need to have an explicit @@uncurried in all modules. Having "uncurried": true in their bsconfig.json is not enough. The compilation of the main project fails (after a clean checkout) inside the uncurried-ready libraries.
Thanks, it works. I understand that @@uncurried and @@uncurried.swap might be removed in the future.
let f = (a, b, c) => {
a + b + c
// in uncurried mode, spread operator can be used to curry an uncurried function f
let g = f(1, 2, ...)
// in curried mode, p needs . to specify the function is curried
let p = (. a, b, c) => {
a - b - c
let q = p(1)
let q' = q(2)