How to reset react file input

I want to reset the file input, and I try to use useRef to get the value in input element. Just likes this.

open React

@get external value: Dom.element => string = "value"

let make = () => {
  let (file, setFile) = useState(_ => "")
  let inputRef = useRef(Js.Nullable.null)

      onChange={evt => setFile(_ => EventUtil.files(evt)[0])}

      onClick={_ => inputRef.current->Js.Nullable.toOption->Belt.Option.getUnsafe->value->Js.Console.log}
      {"click me"->React.string}

But I don’t know how to set the value to None. Can anyone help me please.

Warning I am not ReScript expert. Literally been doing ReScript for like maybe a week.

However, I think this is what you are looking to do:


open React

type inputHtml
@set external setValue: (inputHtml, string) => unit = "value"
@get external getValue: inputHtml => option<string> = "value"
external getInput: Dom.element => inputHtml = "%identity"

let make = () => {
  let (file, setFile) = useState(_ => "")
  let inputRef = useRef(Js.Nullable.null)


      onClick={_ => {
        switch (inputRef.current -> Js.Nullable.toOption) {
        	| Some(element) => element -> getInput -> setValue("")
          | None => Js.log("nothing")
      {"click me"->React.string}

They key is to cast the element into a made-up type, and then create a function that will set that value on that type.

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This is exactly what I’m looking for! Thank you.

I’m not familiar with rescript, so I didn’t know how to use @set.
Now I knew it. Thank you!

I don’t want this to be magical. You can read about it here: Bind to JS Object | ReScript Language Manual (

I am almost certain that using @set is just compiler sugar magic for doing this:

type inputHtml = {
  mutable value:string

let setValue: (inputHtml, string) => unit = (ipt, str) => ipt.value = str

As you could have done that to solve your problem.

or more directly

Thank you. I will use @set carefully.