Input for a beginners workshop on ReScript

I’ve been invited to do an intro workshop on ReScript for Code Control and Spiced Academy.

I’m currently planning what the content should be. It’s only a few hours, so I need it to be pretty narrow / focused. The audience are full stack web developers (whatever that means today :rofl:)

My initial idea is to build a calculator, showcasing the type system, pattern matching and the great interop with react.

If you have any ideas for must haves at such a workshop I’d love to know :blush:

Workshop name should be: “undefined is not a function” :laughing:

The biggest mistake I made when I worked through Rescript the first time a couple of months ago was not learning enough about interop. I sort of wrote Rescript off as a cute idea that would never take off. Of course, I was completely wrong! As much as I could talk hours about the language features, I think you should make add a fair emphasis on interop. Maybe build a small javascript React App, demonstrate some issues with type safety and then slowly refactor it into a Rescript React app :slight_smile:


Thanks, great input!

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The event is now live. In case you’re in the mood for an introductory ReScript session you can sign up here Spiced x CodeControl: Let's Build a Calculator Using ReScript, React + Tailwind | Meetup