Js.Dict.values of a Js.Dict.t<array<string>> -> Belt.Array.get not returning option<string>

Hey everyone,

I am trying to get a value from a Js.Dict.t that holds array<string> as its values then grab a value from that array by its index via Belt.Array.get but its being very strange and returning an error that its actually returning option<array<string>> where I would suspect just option<string>

This in theory makes sense, but when I go about accessing the next level of arrays, I end up getting just the first character of each string in the array… I think I might be confused or at least confusing myself with the Js.Dict api :upside_down_face:

Here is a playground as an example:




You’re probably trying to do this?
You were wrapping it in an extra array.

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So it ended up being my binding output and its why I was getting the correct information when Js.log but strange type errors when trying to actually access the data.


external combinate: Js.Dict.t<array<string>> => array<Js.Dict.t<array<string>>> = "default"


external combinate: Js.Dict.t<array<string>> => array<Js.Dict.t<string>> = "default"

Thanks so much for your help!

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