Modules as react props

I wonder if anyone else has had similar ideas.

Composition and extension can be a bit tedious at times, especially for components with many prop fields. It can also be error prone to compose components since optional fields can be omitted by accident.

module Lib = {
  type props = {
    a: string,
    b?: string

  let make: React.component<props> = Js.Exn.raiseError("")

module NumericComponent = {
  type props = {
    a: string,
    b: float // formats a float nicely to a string

  let make = (p: props) => Lib.make({a: p.a})

Are there any practical reasons why props is not a module instead?

They have support … for types via include.

module type P1 = {
  let a: string
  let b: string

module type P2 = {
  let b: float

module type P3 = {
  include P1
  include P2

Here is a full example.

module BaseComponent = {
  module type Props = {
    let name: string
    let age: int
    let height: int

  let make = (module(P: Props)) => {
    open P

module Extension = {
  module type Props = {
    include BaseComponent.Props
    let height: float // new datatype for height

  let make = (module(P: Props)) =>
          include P
          let height = height->Belt.Float.toInt

let comp = React.createElement(
      let name = "John"
      let age = 42
      let height = 1.8

let comp = <Extension
      let name = "John"
      let age = 42
      let height = 1.8

The abilities of modules are available like functors.

I am unsure if anything akin to the ? modifier on types exists for modules (I would guess it’d equate to a default value for the field).

Syntatic work is needed to make it look as nice as jsx attributes. I don’t think that the equivalent of type parameters, abstract types, is inferrable, so that is another potential painpoint.