I’m working on an in-browser IDE with Monaco editor (but I don’t have full vscode.dev running in browser).
I know that vscode has a Rescript extension.
My questions are:
Is it possible to get ReScript ihntellisense type checking in Monaco (without VSCode)
If not for #1, is there an easy way to run VSCode.dev on a custom website? (The “.” key on github.com proves it should be possible, but it is not obvious to me how to build a website embedding the entireiy of VSCode).
The XY problem I’m working on is: I’m working on an in-browser game, and if possible, I would like to switch the programming language from TypeScript to ReScript.
However, I am running into the issue that Monaco has great TypeScript support (even without VSCode), whereas I don’t see a way to get in-browser intellisense editor support for ReScript (and all the ReScript playgrounds I’ve seen so far seem to lack intellisense).