November 21, 2022, 1:38pm
In rescript react realworld example app inputs AsyncResult and AsyncData are used instead of direct use of useState hook.
See code here https://github.com/jihchi/rescript-react-realworld-example-app/blob/main/src/page/Editor.res
What problem does this adress ?
I’m guessing that it has to do with a new change starting before the end of the precedent finishes. Is there any documentation about this particular problem ? Is there an equivalent in plain js ?
November 21, 2022, 5:19pm
It’s to work with a type, that in typescript would look something like this:
export type AsyncResult<T, E = Error> =
| { data: T; error: undefined, isLoading: false }
| { data: undefined; error: E, isLoading: false }
| { data: undefined; error: undefined, isLoading: true };
You can come across it in many data fetching libraries like https://swr.vercel.app/ , TanStack Query | React Query, Solid Query, Svelte Query, Vue Query , RTK Query Overview | Redux Toolkit .
It’s used to keep the state of a request, and render a component depending on it.
November 22, 2022, 8:02am
Ok, thanks.
So, it’s not really useful for the input value state but more for the form submition later on.
November 22, 2022, 8:18am
Yes, the data structure is actually coming from https://reazen.github.io/relude .
You can find more information about it in the source code:
open BsBastet.Interface;
[Relude.AsyncData] contains an variant type [t('a)] for representing the
different states in which a value can be during an asynchronous data load.
Because the type only has a single type parameter ['a], it cannot represent
failures by default, but you can choose to use any type for ['a], including
[option('b)] (for data that may or may not load), [result('b, 'e)] (for data
that can fail to load), etc.
If you need to represent an error condition along with the success condition,
see {!module:Relude_AsyncResult}.
The variant type has the following constructors:
- [Init]
- [Loading]
- [Reloading('a)]
- [Complete('a)]
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