NextJS Page Functor

Below is an abstraction that my coworker recently developed to simplify implementing dozens of NextJS pages. You can observe the enclosing context for this code here.

module Params = {
  // An exceedingly simple json object parser
  module P: {
    type t<'a>

    let return: 'a => t<'a>
    let ap: (t<'a => 'b>, t<'a>) => t<'b>
    let field: (string, Js.Json.t => option<'a>) => t<'a>
    let parse: (t<'a>, Js.Json.t) => option<'a>
  } = {
    type t<'a> = Js.Dict.t<Js.Json.t> => option<'a>

    let return = (x: 'a): t<'a> => _ => Some(x)

    let ap = (tf: t<'a => 'b>, ta: t<'a>): t<'b> =>
      dict => {
        switch (tf(dict), ta(dict)) {
        | (Some(f), Some(a)) => Some(f(a))
        | (_, _) => None

    let field = (name: string, f: Js.Json.t => option<'a>): t<'a> =>
      dict => dict->Js.Dict.get(name)->Belt.Option.flatMap(f)

    let parse = (t: t<'a>, json): option<'a> => json->Js.Json.decodeObject->Belt.Option.flatMap(t)

  module type S = {
    type t
    include Jsonable.S with type t := t

  let lang = P.field("lang", Lang.ofJson)

  module Lang = {
    type t = {lang: Lang.t}
    let make = lang => {lang: lang}

    let ofJson = (json: Js.Json.t): option<t> => P.return(make)->P.ap(lang)->P.parse(json)
    let toJson = ({lang}: t): Js.Json.t =>
      Js.Json.object_(Js.Dict.fromArray([("lang", lang->Lang.toJson)]))


module type S = {
  type t
  type props<'content, 'params>
  type params

  let make: (~content: t, ~params: params) => React.element
  let getStaticProps: Next.GetStaticProps.t<props<t, params>, params, void>
  let getStaticPaths: Next.GetStaticPaths.t<params>
  let default: props<Js.Json.t, Js.Json.t> => React.element

module type ArgBase = {
  type t
  include Jsonable.S with type t := t

  module Params: Params.S

  let make: (~content: t, ~params: Params.t) => React.element

module type Arg = {
  include ArgBase
  let getContent: Params.t => Js.Promise.t<option<t>>
  let getParams: unit => Js.Promise.t<array<Params.t>>

module type ArgSimple = {
  include ArgBase
  let content: array<(Params.t, t)>

module Make = (Arg: Arg): (S with type t := Arg.t and type params = Arg.Params.t) => {
  module Props = {
    type t<'content, 'params> = {content: 'content, params: 'params}
    let toJson = (
      t: t<'content, 'params>,
      contentToJson: 'content => Js.Json.t,
      paramsToJson: 'params => Js.Json.t,
    ): Js.Json.t =>
      [("content", contentToJson(t.content)), ("params", paramsToJson(t.params))]

  type props<'a, 'b> = Props.t<'a, 'b>
  type params = Arg.Params.t

  let getStaticProps: Next.GetStaticProps.t<props<Arg.t, params>, params, void> = ctx => {
    Arg.getContent(ctx.params) |> Js.Promise.then_(content => {
      switch content {
      | None =>
          "BUG: No content found for params: " ++ ctx.params->Arg.Params.toJson->Js.Json.stringify,
      | Some(content) =>
        let props = {Props.content: content, params: ctx.params}
          "props": props->Props.toJson(Arg.toJson, Arg.Params.toJson),

  let default = (props: props<Js.Json.t, Js.Json.t>) => {
    switch Arg.ofJson(props.content) {
    | None => failwith("BUG: Unable to parse content")
    | Some(content: Arg.t) =>
      switch Arg.Params.ofJson(props.params) {
      | None => failwith("BUG: Unable to parse params")
      | Some(params: Arg.Params.t) => Arg.make(Arg.makeProps(~content, ~params, ()))

  let getStaticPaths: Next.GetStaticPaths.t<Arg.Params.t> = () => {
    let params = Arg.getParams()
    params |> Js.Promise.then_(params =>
        Next.GetStaticPaths.paths: params-> => {
          Next.GetStaticPaths.params: params,
        fallback: false,

  include Arg

module MakeSimple = (Arg: ArgSimple): (
  S with type t := Arg.t and type params = Arg.Params.t
) => Make({
  include Arg

  let getParams = () =>
    Js.Promise.resolve(content->Belt.Array.mapU((. (params, _content)) => params))

  let getContent = (params: Params.t) =>
      ->Belt.Array.getByU((. (key, _content)) => key == params)
      ->, content)) => content),

Here is what a very simple page looks like when using the functor:

open! Import

module T = {
  type t = {
    title: string,
    pageDescription: string,
  include Jsonable.Unsafe

  module Params = Pages.Params.Lang

  let make = (~content: t, ~params as {Params.lang: _}) =>
    <div>{React.string(content.title)} </div>

  let contentEn = {
    title: `Privacy Policy`,
    pageDescription: ``,

  let content = [({Params.lang: #en}, contentEn)]

include T
include Pages.MakeSimple(T)

Update: After doing performance tests, we noticed an edge case in tree shaking when a page using this page functor references a large module. In reality, it is unlikely for most pages to encounter this edge case.