Based on googling I found this article to use react router in rescript
Based on this, I wrote the following code
type route =
| Main
| GroupedTeamMembers
| PageNotFound
let fromUrl = (url: RescriptReactRouter.url) => {
switch url.path {
| list{} => Main -> Some
| list{"GroupedTeamMembers"} => GroupedTeamMembers -> Some
| _ => PageNotFound -> Some
let make = () => {
let useRouter = () => RescriptReactRouter.useUrl()->fromUrl
switch useRouter() {
| Some(Main) =>
<Header />
<Employees />
<Footer />
| Some(GroupedTeamMembers) =>
<Header />
<GroupedTeamMembers />
<Footer />
| _ =>
<Header />
<PageNotFound />
<Footer />
This code compiles fine but when I do “http://localhost:8000/GroupedTeamMembers” it just says Error Cannot GET /GroupedTeamMembers
Here is my full code just in case if you need to see all my configuration + code GitHub - abhsrivastava/team-member-allocation: React Rescript project for team member allocation