Recursive React component

Hi, I have a problem making a component like this:

    type rec tree = {
      id: string,
      children: array<tree>,

    module Tree = {
      let rec make = (~tree) => {
          -> => React.createElement(make, {"tree": tree}))

It compile but with a warning:

    Compiled with 1 Warning(s)

    [W] Line 8, column 10:
    unused rec flag.

Any idea ?

An alternative is to make recursive module

    type rec tree = {
      id: string,
      children: array<tree>,

    module rec Tree: {
       let make: {"tree": tree} => React.element
       let makeProps: (~tree: 'tree, ~key: string=?, unit) => {"tree": 'tree}
    } = {
      let make = (~tree) => {
          -> => <Tree tree />)

but typing is redundant, it’s too verbose in my opinion (And JS output is :zipper_mouth_face:)

How can I do better ?


You can use @react.component in module signatures too:

module rec Tree: {
  let make: (~tree: tree) => React.element
} = {
1 Like

Thanks, you’re right, it’s better … but it still not very pretty
And Js output is still the same, not as clean as putting the make function recursive

module Tree = {
  let rec make = (~tree) => { ...
'use strict';

var React = require("react");

function make(Props) {
  var tree = Props.tree;
  return React.createElement("div", undefined,, (tree) {
                  return React.createElement(make, {
                              tree: tree

var Tree = {
  make: make

exports.Tree = Tree;


module rec Tree: {
  let make: (~tree: tree) => React.element
} = {
  let make = (~tree) => { ...
'use strict';

var React = require("react");
var Caml_module = require("./stdlib/caml_module.js");

var Tree = Caml_module.init_mod([
    ], {
      TAG: /* Module */0,
      _0: [[
          /* Function */0,

function Playground$Tree(Props) {
  var tree = Props.tree;
  return React.createElement("div", undefined,, (tree) {
                  return React.createElement(Tree.make, {
                              tree: tree

      TAG: /* Module */0,
      _0: [[
          /* Function */0,
    }, Tree, {
      make: Playground$Tree

exports.Tree = Tree;

I found that I can deactivate the warning using

module Tree = {
  let rec make = (~tree) => { ... }

Not very pretty but waiting for better …

Thanks anyway :wink: