Hello! I have some questions about rendering recursive react components.
See this small example:
type rec item<'a> = {
name: string,
nested: option<item<'a>>,
module Item = {
let rec make = (~item: item<'a>) => {
<li className="item">
<div className="name"> {React.string(item.name)} </div>
{switch item.nested {
| Some(nested) => <Item item=nested />
| None => React.null
let make = (~items: array<item<'a>>) => {
<ul className="generic-list">
{items->Array.map(item => <Item key={item.name} item />)->React.array}
Results in
[E] Line 12, column 25:
The module or file Item can't be found.
- If it's a third-party dependency:
- Did you add it to the "bs-dependencies" or "bs-dev-dependencies" in bsconfig.json?
- Did you include the file's directory to the "sources" in bsconfig.json?
I tried a few different things like making the recursive make function and using it, making the module recursive but then it asks me for a type signature and when I write it down I’m probably doing it wrong and I get different type errors that I don’t know how to solve.
In the end I managed to solve it by directly using React.createElement. But it’s kind of ugly, so I’m wondering is there a better way to do this?
module Item = {
let rec make = (~item: item<'a>) => {
<li className="item">
<div className="name"> {React.string(item.name)} </div>
{switch item.nested {
| Some(nested) => React.createElement(make, {item: nested})
| None => React.null