ReScript exercises?

I’m trying to learn ReScript for writing from scratch VS Code extension for editing Wikidata.
I’ve tried to find some exercises. Here is what I’ve found:
ReasonML on Exercism — it’s ReasonML, not ReScript, at least there is a difference in file naming, I’m not sure how big is the difference. — it’s closer, but I’m not sure if it’s up-to-date (most recent code commits were too long ago).
Is there other way learning ReScript gradually?

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When I discovered ReScript I’ve configured rollup to build generated code in one file and started solving js katas at codewars. It was quite good to become familiar with the language.


Btw, here’s an issue to add ReScript to codewars.

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But I recommend you to start writing the extention and learn as you go.

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OK, I think I’ll try writing the extension and learning the language at the same time. I little bit worried about writing non-idiomatic code at the beginning. But on the other hand, it’s hobby project and I have time to refractor/rewrite the extension.

Thank you for your answers!

Also, fill free to ask any questions in the form. I think @philiparvidsson did a great job in this aspect with his A few small questions post. It benefits both you and people who come to the form later.

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I don’t have any long exercises for you, but a while ago I translated the Reason learnxinyminutes tutorial to ReScript. Unfortunately that hasn’t been merged to the official site yet, but I’ll leave a link to the raw file below.

Edit: I’ve also uploaded it to my website so it’s easier to find, since there’s been no activity on that PR in quite some time. ReScript Tutorial: Learn ReScript in Y Minutes