ReScript Office Hours #2

Hey everyone!

We want to keep up the pace and announce our next ReScript Office Hour!

Last time was pretty amazing with around 12 attendees and almost 2 hours of chatting.

What are ReScript Office Hours?

This is a remote event where @chenglou and I invite everyone in the community to talk about ReScript. It’s the perfect place to ask questions / have discussions about the language and its development.


Tuesday, 6th of October

9:30 am PDT (San Francisco)
6:30 pm CEST (Central Europe)
7:30 pm MSK (Moscow)

Find the timezone comparison tool here for checking your own timezone!

The session takes around 1.5 - 2 hours max.

It’s okay to join in / drop out while the call is going, but it would help us a lot if most of the ppl join at the beginning.

How to join?

We will post a Google Hangout link in this thread, so if you are interested to join, make sure to set your notifications for this thread to “watching” to receive an email notification:



It would be great if more ppl would use their camera if possible this time, because it’s a little bit hard to have discussions with a block of black squares and obfuscated “attendee X” names :slight_smile: (just making it a little bit more human).

If you don’t want to do that, that’s also fine, but please make sure to select a recognisable name (e.g. your forum name / github name / twitter name / real name), so we know who is joining!

We are looking forward to meet you all and have some interesting discussions!

If you are planning to attend, please let us know by putting a reply to this thread (so we can estimate the attendee numbers better).



Aw, after you’ve posted Moscow time, I feel like I just have to attend :slight_smile:

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I’ll probably make it this time around :+1:t2:

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I’ll join again. :smiley:
Last time was pretty interesting.

Great, looking forward to it! :+1:

Short Update:
One of our topics we’ll be talking about is “Migration”

Also please note that we had to change our mind on Zoom. We’ll be using Google Hangouts instead!
Hope this is fine for everyone

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Do you mean migration…

  • …from ReasonML?
  • …from JS/TS?
  • …of DB? :slight_smile:

Hangouts is fine for me personally.

migration from Zoom to Hangouts ? :stuck_out_tongue: just kidding

I’m also curious about which migration

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Well, probably only one way to find out :eyes:


I had a smooth experience with Jitsi, why not using that again?

because it regularly breaks for different users, especially for @chenglou after every 5 minutes

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I’ll be there! Hangouts is good for me.

Will you post the link here?

Here is the google hangout link: [session is over]

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Alas, it appears the call is already full with 7 people (tried with two different browsers).

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should be working? what is the error message?

I can confirm:
error message popping up in german:

Die maximale Personenanzahl für diesen Videoanruf ist bereits erreicht.

Dialog box appears:

This video call is full.

After closing the dialog:

The video call ended because of an error

will investigate, one sec

Let’s go back to jitsi :confused:

[session is over]

Sorry for the troubles

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