There were a few attempts within the team to bind the library, react-hook-form, but the usability wasn’t great - it ended up being a hard to use binding. So I thought I would try to improve the usability by creating a ppx, which I recently started.
I created a ppx so that a basic example could be represented like this.
type inputs = {
example?: string,
exampleRequired: string,
let make = () => {
let {register, handleSubmit, watch, formState: {errors}} = useFormOfInputs()
let onSubmit = (data: inputs) => Js.log(data)
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}>
<input {...register(Example)} defaultValue="test" />
<input {...register(ExampleRequired, ~options={required: true})} />
{errors.exampleRequired ? <span> {"This field is required"->React.string} </span> : React.null}
<input type_="submit" />
For usability reasons, our team’s future plans are to develop support for Controlled Inputs and useFieldArray.
I’d like to hear how you’re using react-hook-form.
- How are you using react-hook-form in your ReScript projects (interop?, using .tsx?)
- What APIs do you use a lot besides useFieldArray?
- Any thought about ppx?