ShakaCode is looking for a ReScript developer

Hey folks, we have a few potential ReScript projects coming up and we need one or more developers interested in ReScript.

Also, we are looking for a designer.

This is a fully remote position. More details:

My DMs are open.


I have sent an email yesterday, waiting for you.
ReScript is really powerful for web development.

Can you send me in DM your email that you used? I will check if it was handled.

Still looking! (20 chars)

Aloha everybody here. I’m Justin, the founder of ShakaCode.

Our current big internal ReScript project is

We’re massively crunching public data on travel (vacation rentals at first) to create information that truly benefits travelers. Almost every other travel aggregator site is skewed by affiliate schemes. If you like the idea, please get in touch with me! There are some interesting AI and scale problems here.

So you’d be working on a cool project and earning equity in case it ever goes big.

And check out our TikTok explainer video:

The best one to watch is the one with 1.3M views, in the lower right corner.

