Shorter variant TAG output?

According to js output for variants

type family = Child | Mom(int, string) | Dad (int)
let f1 = Child
let f2 = Mom(30, "Jane")
let f3 = Dad(32)

compiles to

var f1 = "Child";

var f2 = {
  TAG: "Mom",
  _0: 30,
  _1: "Jane"

First thought was: the tag key on output should be underscore _ instead of `TAG, feels a lot cleaner, and the generated js it’s shorter

var f2 = {
  _: "Mom",
  _0: 30,
  _1: "Jane"

While not suggesting to change the output TAG field like above, would like to discuss if something like this has limitations or may be even worth

_ is one character, TAG is three, seems an unnecessary waste of space
_ is consistent with generated fields prefixed with underscore, _0, _1, _2

The good news is you can customize it with the @tag("_") annotation :slight_smile:


Is it also configurable globally?

Not that I know unfortunately!