Small little bug with async/await (not a huge priority)

We have a few helper functions that take in an array of thunks/chunks and return promises. They work well, but with the async/await syntax, i’m not able to inline it like I was hoping i’d be able to. It’s not a huge deal, because you can create a new function as a work around, but I thought i’d show you an example. The async tag is ommitted from the javascript compiled code and is a run time error even though in rescript everything compiles correctly.

Broken code w/ run time exception:

let doThings = (chunks: array<unit => promise<'a>>): promise<array<'a>> => {
  chunks-> => c())->Js.Promise2.all

let run = async () => {
    ["0", "1"]-> number => {
      async () => {
        Js.log2("number in here!", number)

        await Js.Promise2.resolve()

        Js.log("more going on.....")


The focus is this part: async () => {. You’d expect the JS outputted code to have the async flag as well, but instead this is what the compiled code looks like:

// Generated by ReScript, PLEASE EDIT WITH CARE
'use strict';

var Curry = require("rescript/lib/js/curry.js");
var Belt_Array = require("rescript/lib/js/belt_Array.js");

function doThings(chunks) {
  return Promise.all(, (function (c) {
                    return Curry._1(c, undefined);

async function run(param) {
  return doThings([
              ].map(function (number) {
                  return function (param) {
                    console.log("number in here!", number);
                    await Promise.resolve(undefined);
                    console.log("more going on.....");


exports.doThings = doThings; = run;
/*  Not a pure module */

You can see right here: return function (param) { it’s missing the flag async, which would be like: return async function (param) {. It was strange since rescript was compiling and everything seemed to have worked.

Anyways, the workaround is simply breaking it out into it’s own function like so:

let doThings = (chunks: array<unit => promise<'a>>): promise<array<'a>> => {
  chunks-> => c())->Js.Promise2.all

let handleInside = async number => {
  Js.log2("number in here!", number)

  await Js.Promise2.resolve()

  Js.log("more going on.....")

let run = async () => {
    ["0", "1"]-> => {
      () => handleInside(number)


This then compiles correctly and everything works. Here is the compiled code:

// Generated by ReScript, PLEASE EDIT WITH CARE
'use strict';

var Curry = require("rescript/lib/js/curry.js");
var Belt_Array = require("rescript/lib/js/belt_Array.js");

function doThings(chunks) {
  return Promise.all(, (function (c) {
                    return Curry._1(c, undefined);

async function handleInside(number) {
  console.log("number in here!", number);
  await Promise.resolve(undefined);
  console.log("more going on.....");

async function run(param) {
  return doThings([
              ].map(function (number) {
                  return function (param) {
                    return handleInside(number);


exports.doThings = doThings;
exports.handleInside = handleInside; = run;
/*  Not a pure module */

Anyways, not a huge deal, but I figured I should share this in case any one runs into this problem, or someone would like to fix the problem.

Thank you!


Can you try the latest compiler from the playground (11 alpha) and if still a problem open an issue in the compiler repo?

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Thank you! I appreciate it. I tested it on v11.0.0-alpha.5 and the issue has been fixed! :smiley: :clap: :clap:

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