The design decision behind option<'a>=? in the function definition seems strange?

The optional argument in a type declaration doesn’t match the optional argument in the function definition. And why is that the case?

For example,
let a: (~arg: int=?) comes with the type where the binded function value is
= (~arg: option<int>=?) => {...}

Won’t we be better off not having the option<> wrapper in the later, or always having option<> in the former?

Other than that, Rescript has been great to me :slight_smile: It got a good and minimal foundation of features.

Optional arguments are implemented in a specific way:

  • From outside of the function, they look like arguments of the actual type (except in one case where you explicitly pass in an option value directly)
  • From inside the function, they look like values of type option<theType>.

What this practically means is if you have a function e.g. let f: (~arg: int=?, unit) => int, then you should normally call it with an actual int value, e.g. f(~arg=1, ()).

Note that in ReScript you don’t actually need to annotate the type. You could just write

let f = (~arg=?, ()) =>
  switch arg {
  | Some(x) => x + 1
  | None => -1

And this whole thing is a non-issue as the typechecker just figures out the correct type.

If you want type signatures for documentation, you can always use interface files.

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