The ReScript compiler license vs licensing of the generated code from the compiler

The ReScript compiler is covered under a custom LGPL version 3 license with an exception to section 4 of the LGPL license. What are the consequences of this exception?

The reason for my asking is, the following ReScript code for my application:

open RescriptCore

let isEqualTo = (a, boolean) =>
  Option.eq(a, Some(boolean), (x, y) => x == y)

generates the following JS code:

import * as Caml_obj from "./../../node_modules/rescript/lib/es6/caml_obj.js";
import * as Caml_option from "./../../node_modules/rescript/lib/es6/caml_option.js";
import * as Core__Option from "./../../node_modules/@rescript/core/src/Core__Option.mjs";

function isEqualTo(a, $$boolean) {
  return Core__Option.eq(a, Caml_option.some($$boolean), Caml_obj.equal);

Caml_option.some is basically the Some variant (language construct) of the Option type.
Caml_obj.equal performs the equality check for two Option values.
Core__Option provides the eq function.

Core__Option is MIT licensed whereas Caml_option and Caml_obj are (as I presume) covered under the compiler’s custom LGPL license with exceptions mentioned earlier.

Does this mean I can safely bundle (using esbuild/Vite) my application code and ReScript standard library code (Belt/Js/RescriptCore) without having to worry about sharing the application code with the users of the application? Note that, I am not modifying any ReScript compiler code or any of the generated code.

I would like a clarification on the obligations I have (imposed by the compiler’s license) while building my application with ReScript language/compiler. Can someone shed some more light on this and about any tricky situation that might arise, if any?


Thank you for asking.
The linking exception is primarily designed this way that you are free to LICENSE your own code.

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Thank you for your response; it tells us about how this compiler/library can be used.

For the sake of explicitness, let me ask one more question wrt combined work that is generated when we use the compiler, to validate my understanding:

I re-read the compiler’s license and I believe the linking/combined work exception lets me do two things:

  1. I can “combine or link” for instance, Caml_option and Caml_obj with my application’s generated code. (which is what happens when we run rescript build)
  2. Then I can decide the terms of the combined work - the generated code (for example: keep it closed) and thus not comply with section 4 of the LGPL v3 license.

The steps 1 and 2 are allowed under this exception, correct?

[Edit: I renamed the topic]
[Edit 2: Notes below]

Now that I think about it, this is how rescript packages provided by the community are choosing their own terms/license. It should have been obvious to me, but I guess I was panicking when I was being asked to review licenses at my ${day_job}.

Can we add a section about this on the documentation page under Language Manual -> JavaScript Interop -> Libraries and Publishing section or maybe its own section? It would make it easier for corporate organizations to think about adopting ReScript.