I was trying to translate the drag and drop example shown here, into ReScript.
I am currently stuck at the drop_handler
function. I’ve translated it to:
let dropHandler = event => {
let dataTransfer = Webapi.Dom.DataTransfer.make()
let data= dataTransfer->Webapi.Dom.DataTransfer.getData("text/plain")
And the compiler complains about the expression event->ReactEvent.Mouse.target
This has type: {..}
Somewhere wanted:
Dom.eventTarget (defined as Dom.eventTarget_like<Dom._baseClass>)
I check the source code for ReactEvent.res and it says it should return a Dom.eventTarget but I end up with a {…}. How do I coerce/cast it to a Dom.eventTarget?
@get external target: Type.t => {..} = "target" /* Should return Dom.eventTarget */
Also any general feedback on the verbose code I am writing is welcome