Type error with simple code


I can’t seem to figure out why I don’t get a type error at the 4th line and instead get a type error at the 12th line.

type history = { "push": string => unit }
@bs.module("@core") external browserHistory: history = "browserHistory"

Js.log(browserHistory["push"]) // Line 4: No type error

type clickHandler = (ReactEvent.Mouse.t) => unit
type makeClickHandler = (string) => clickHandler

let makeDefaultClickHandler: makeClickHandler = (href) => {
    let pushHistoryClickHandler: clickHandler = (evt) => {
        browserHistory["push"](href) // Line 12: Type error


let make = (~children: React.element, ~href: string, ~onClick: option<clickHandler>=?) => {
    let onClick = switch onClick {
        | Some(onClick) => onClick
        | None => makeDefaultClickHandler(href)

    <a href onClick> children </a>
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Can you provide more details? What is the error message?

Here is a screenshot for you:

Annotation 2021-01-28 031050

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In this case, the error comes from the fact that functions and methods are different and have different types in ReScript. You will need to do a binding in a specific way to use method calls. Check https://rescript-lang.org/docs/manual/latest/bind-to-js-function#object-method

As to your previous question it did not error at the 4th line because at that point you had not tried to call the push property; you were just printing it, and Js.log prints anything you give it–it doesn’t care about the type.

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Thanks for the response.

For accessibility sake, here is the error:

This has type: 'a => unit
  Somewhere wanted: Js_OO.Meth.arity1<'b>

Unfortunately the example in the doc isn’t incredibly useful as I need to bind to the method belonging to an object returned by ES6 module, not global document object. I did get it to work though:

type history
@bs.send external push: (history, string) => unit = "push"
@bs.module("@core") external browserHistory: history = "browserHistory"
push(browserHistory, "https://example.com")

You mentioned methods and functions having different types in ReScript. I couldn’t find any mention of methods in the docs, how are they supported? The following doesn’t seem to work:

let browserHistory = { "push": href => Js.log(href) }

It looks like you are using a JS object type and you want to use its function as a method, so I guess you need to use the @meth decorator on the right attribute to mark it as a method.


type history = { @meth "push": string => unit }
@bs.module("@core") external browserHistory: history = "browserHistory"


Playground Link

See https://rescript-lang.org/syntax-lookup#meth-decorator in the syntax lookup widget.

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Thank you, that’s much better.

So I suppose there is no @meth equivalent in pure ReScript right?

The way you bound it is almost exactly how I would have done it, with @bs.module. The only doubt in my mind is, is @core a valid module? Shouldn’t it be @core/something?

I can definitely see merit for both approaches, it comes down to personal preference I guess.

As for the @core module, it’s just an alias mapped to another directory under the same source tree in order to make my life a bit easier (babel-plugin-module-resolver). Just need to be careful not to map to any actual npm modules, eh :slight_smile:

Still, why is everyone dodging my methods-in-pure-rescript question? :stuck_out_tongue:

Not sure what you mean by “methods in pure ReScript”. The recommended way doing OOP is using @send and ->, which is essentially doing the same thing, but with less extra concepts.


It’s not a dodge. As @ryyppy said–in ReScript the idiomatic way is to bind to JavaScript classes and methods using ReScript abstract types and functions. See https://github.com/yawaramin/bucklescript-bindings-cookbook#classes-and-oop (ReasonML syntax but same concepts) for more.


Thank you for the clarification, that’s exactly what I needed to know. It’s definitely a paradigm shift for me as I have been so accustomed to passing around functions in structured objects. Marking it as solved now.

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