Using true false in a polymorphic variant

type parent_workspace = {
  type_: [#workspace],
  workspace: [@as("true") #tru],
let x = {type_: #workspace, workspace: #tru}

# output
var x = {
  type_: "workspace",
  workspace: "tru"

The value workspace is always true just as the value type_ is always workspace. Is it possible to get set true at the value using a ploymorphice variant or some other method?

Thank you.

Nope. But you can use a bool instead.

EDIT: sorry, the above is incorrect. You can actually use #"true" to specify that it must always compile as "true".

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type parent_workspace = {
  type_: [#workspace],
  workspace: [ #"true"],
let x = {type_: #workspace, workspace: #"true"}


Thank you @yawaramin

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