Walnut.io is hiring to build the future of Sales

You can check us here: https://walnut.io and here https://walnut.io/jobs

What you should know:

  • Flexible remote(anywhere in GMT to GMT+5) or Office(TLV)
  • We’re doing GQL/Elixir/Reasonml/React but not married to that - we believe in constant learning and finding the right tech for our problems.
  • Our aim is to build a home where talent can thrive - No mandatory meetings, focus on transparency and quality.

We have a lot of very interesting challenges to tackle, and are looking for technical leaders to join our team.


that intro video is very well done and funny :smiley:

No pricing page or a register route…

would be helpful to see examples of working demos

thanks for the feedback guys!
re: drmos => we’re working on it… i think one should be up in a week or so.
re: pricing/register => not sure i understand the feedback… you want to buy? not all products are self-serve… we’re currently not self serve as we focused more on building the tech vs building registration forms. (we’re live for ~6m but we’re getting there)