What is the reasoning behind the ?Some ?None syntax?

I am new to ReScript. I find the syntax to be quite consistent across, except these part

type person = {
  age: int,
  name?: string,

let me = {
  age: 123,
  name: "Hello",

let nameWasSet = switch me {
| {name: ?None} => false
| {name: ?Some(_)} => true

Why not just

let nameWasSet = switch me {
| {name: None} => false
| {name: Some(_)} => true

Since person.name already has type Some<string>.

Same goes for

add(~first=?Some(1), ~second=?Some(2))

add(~first?, ~second?)

Why not just

add(~first=Some(1), ~second=Some(2))

let first = Some(1)
let second = Some(2)
add(~first, ~second)

Since the types already explain that it is Some<number>. Why do we need to add ?