What would belong in a `.gitignore` template for ReScript?

I noticed GitHub - github/gitignore: A collection of useful .gitignore templates doesn’t have a template file for ReScript. I’m happy to send a PR for one, but first I want to get what should be included right. My project that I created with npm create rescript-app@latest has:


Anything else that should be in there? Or are things too unstable to try and get a template file for GitHub?

The output from create rescript app has this:


.merlin is not needed anymore

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Thanks for the extra details! Since ran the command updating an existing JS code base it must have left the entries that I already had where they were.

I opened Create ReScript.gitignore by brettcannon · Pull Request #4449 · github/gitignore · GitHub .

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And now this has been merged!