I am trying to bind HeadlessUI’s Combobox but am having an issue when the nullable
prop is set to true
as the onChange
function will have a null
passed in and crash the client.
My current binding is
@module("@headlessui/react") @react.component
external make: (
~\"as": React.element=?,
~disabled: bool=?,
~value: 'a=?,
~defaultValue: 'a=?,
~by: string=?,
~onChange: _ => unit=?,
~name: string=?,
~nullable: bool=?,
~multiple: bool=?,
~className: string=?,
~children: comboboxState => React.element=?,
) => React.element = "Combobox"
I’ve tried
~onChange: _ => unit=?
Currently my workaround in the calling module is
let onChange = (selected: Js.Nullable.t<ComboBox.opt>) => {
if Js.Nullable.isNullable(selected) {
setSelected(_ => "")
} else {
Js.Nullable.iter(selected, (. selected) => setSelected(_ => selected.value))
This logic would have to be applied to the displayValue
function in Combobox.Input
as well. I’m trying to avoid handling null | undefined
at every calling component by seeing if there is a way to bind the parameter onChange
to respect @return(null_to_opt)
or @return(nullable)
. I’ve seen this done in external function bindings but never in a prop. Thanks for any input!